Woop Rugs
Tua Alphabet Rug
The color samples are indicative and not intended as an exact replica of the actual color of the product. Due to variations in monitor settings and color balances, colors are representative only and should not be construed as an exact color match of the listed product.
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Tua Alphabet Rug - The heart of TUA will be a design made up of the memories you choose, captured in a single letter..
- Custom sizes under request
- ADA Compliance under request
100% Natural Wool.
- Width: 7' (213 cm)
- Depth: 5' (152 cm)
- Width: 8' (244 cm)
- Depth: 6' (183 cm)
- Width: 7' (213 cm)
- Depth: 7' (213 cm)
- Width: 8' (244 cm)
- Depth: 7' (213 cm)
- Width: 10' (305 cm)
- Depth: 7' (213 cm)
Pile Height: 0.59'' (1.4 cm)
Rug Height: 0.67'' (1.7 cm)
These rugs are part of the Tua collection by Woop rugs.