Tonelli Design
Amon Floor Vases / Planters
The color samples are indicative and not intended as an exact replica of the actual color of the product. Due to variations in monitor settings and color balances, colors are representative only and should not be construed as an exact color match of the listed product.
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"Amon” collection consists of three size vases/planters. Side panels feature visible screws, available in brass or stainless steel. Optional LED lighting kit is laid at the base of clear glass raised panels, recessed into the top frame of the vase. Internal structure in galvanized sheet.
Amon Vase 160 - Amon 1
- Width: 22.83" (58 cm)
- Depth: 22.83"(58 cm)
- Height: 63.00" (160 cm)
Amon Vase 120 - Amon 2
- Width: 22.83" (58 cm)
- Depth: 22.83" (58 cm)
- Height: 47.24" (120 cm)
Amon Vase 80 - Amon 3
- Width: 22.83" (58 cm)
- Depth: 22.83" (58 cm)
- Height: 31.50" (80 cm)