Filo Bed
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Versatility is an additional asset for this bed. Its minimalist design and moderate dimensions let it discreetly and elegantly adapt to any environment. Like an uninterrupted seam, the fully-upholstered headboard and bed base frame create a single, continuous shape. The padded headboard is upholstered in hand-tufted or plain leather or fabric. The straight, almost two-dimensional feet are available in Plexiglass, wood, matte lacquered and in matte and glossy metal finishes. Bed has a non-removable fabric, leather or synthetic leather cover.
Bed Height: 38.19" (97 cm)
Bed with upholstered bedframe and smooth headboard
Bed with upholstered bedframe and tufted headboard
Mattress is not included.
This bed is part of the Pianca Beds collection.