Tran Tran Office Desk
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Tran Tran is a wooden table designed for working and meeting: actions that get repeated in everyday life, superimposing themselves in a new way within spaces that are increasingly hybrid and informal.
The rectangular top with rounded corners and edges rests on a pair of legs forming an “A”, consisting of two cylindrical uprights slightly “sliced off” along the inside: this type of section is designed to facilitate the cross bar’s fitting between the legs.
Frame/base is made of solid wood. Black Stained Oak base is only available with Black Stained Oak top.
- Height: 29.13" (74 cm)
- Depth: 39.37" (100 cm)
- Widths:
- Tran Tran 200 - 78.74" (200 cm)
- Tran Tran 240 - 94.49" (240 cm)
- Tran Tran 280 - 110.24" (280 cm)